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Giải Tiếng anh 10 sách Friends Global Unit 1: 1G Speaking

Hướng dẫn giải Unit 1: Feelings sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 10 bộ sách Friends Global. Đây là một trong những bộ sách mới được bộ Giáo dục và đào tạo phê duyệt nên ít nhiều học sinh còn bỡ ngỡ và gặp nhiều khó khăn trong quá trình học. Do đó, hãy để Hocthoi.net là công cụ đắc lực hỗ trợ các em, giúp các em thêm tự tin trong học tập.

Giải đáp câu hỏi và bài tập

1. Look at the photo. Do you know this sport? How do you think it feels to do it?

Look at the photo. Do you know this sport? How do you think it feels to do it?

2. Complete the dialogue with the correct affirmative or negative past simple form of the verbs below.

be   get   learn   leave   love   spend   watch

Kirstie: Hi, Laurie. How are you? Tell me about your summer holiday!

Laurie:  Well, for the first three weeks, I was at a summer camp in Cornwall.

Kirstie: Really? That sounds like fun!

Laurie: Yes, it was. I (1) _____ a new sport - bodyboarding.

Kirstie: Wow! That sounds great!

Laurie: Yes. I (2) _____ it. It was really exciting - and a bit frightening too!

Kirstie: I bet! What else did you get up to over the summer?

Laurie: Well, the second half of the holiday (3) _____ so good. I (4) _____ a stomach bug and (5) _____ nearly a week on the sofa.

Kirstie: Oh dear! How awful!

Laurie: I (6) _____ the house for days. I just (7) _____ DVDs. I was so bored!

3. Listen and check your answers to exercise 2. Does the photo go with the first or second half of the dialogue? How do you know?

4. Listen to three girls talking about events over the summer. Match each speaker (1-3) with an event (a-c) and then circle the correct adjective to describe how she felt about it. 

a. Speaker _____ got sunburned. 

    She felt depressed/ embarrassed/ worried. 

b. Speaker _____   ran a half marathon.

    She felt exhausted/ proud/ surprised.

c. Speaker _____ visited her friend's new house

    She felt envious/ interested/ shocked.

5. Read the phrases for reacting and showing interest. Then find three more in the dialogue in exercise 2.

Reacting and showing interest

You're joking/ kidding!

How boring/ funny/ frustrating/ exciting/ upsetting!

That's amazing/ exciting/ worrying/ shocking!

That sounds great /terrible/ annoying/ terrifying!

What a cool thing to do!

Really? I'm so envious!

Really/ What a relief!

That sounds like a nightmare!

Oh no! What a disaster/ shame!

6. Listen to the dialogue in exercise 2 again, then practise saying the phrases above. Try to sound interested!

7. Work in pairs. Take turns to say a sentence from the list below using the correct past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Your partner reacts with a suitable phrase from exercise 5.

1. I finally (finish) my science project.

2. I (learn) to play a new song on the guitar.

3. I (break) a bone in my foot.

4. I (drop) my dad's laptop.

8. Read the Speaking Strategy. Work in pairs. One student tells an event from his/her last summer, the other reacts to the story.

Speaking Strategy

Follow a simple structure for narrating events, for example:

1. set the scene (Where? when? who?)

2. say what happened

3. say how you (and/ or others) felt about it

Từ khóa tìm kiếm google:

Giải SGK Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global Unit 1, Giải Sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Global, Giải Unit 1 Tiếng Anh 10 Friends Globals
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