Danh mục bài soạn


Read the task. In pairs, think of three possible things you could spend the money on

1. Read the task. In pairs, think of three possible things you could spend the money on.

If you had €1 million to spend but couldn't spend any of it on yourself, what would you do with it? Write an essay and include three ideas. Give reasons for your choices and say what effect the money would have. 

I'd give money to a charity which helps ...

I'd buy ... for ... 

I'd give money to ... so they could ...

Cách làm cho bạn:

Three possible things you could spend the money on:

1. I'd give money to a charity which helps orphans and children with disabilities.

2. I'd buy a car for my mom and dad.

3. I'd give money to animal rescue station so they could save more poor animals.

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