Danh mục bài soạn


Read the Reading Strategy. Then look at the underlined words in the sentences after the gaps in the text. What kind of connection do they imply: contrast, similarity, cause / result, or a different option?

3. Read the Reading Strategy. Then look at the underlined words in the sentences after the gaps in the text. What kind of connection do they imply: contrast, similarity, cause / result, or a different option?

Reading Strategy

When you do a task with gapped sentence, study the sentence after each gap and look for any connections with the missing sentence. For example, if it begins with but, there is a contrast. Other words suggest other types of connection:

  • similarity: so
  • cause/ result: so
  • a different option: or

Cách làm cho bạn:

1. contrast 

2. cause / result 

3. contrast 

4. a different option

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