Danh mục bài soạn


Read the Learn this! box. Can you find any examples of rules a-d in the postcard?

2. Read the Learn this! box. Can you find any examples of rules a-d in the postcard?

LEARN THIS! Present perfect

We use the present perfect:

a. to give news, when we do not say exactly when the event happened.

    Guess what? I’ve won a competition!

b. to talk about events during a period of time (e.g. a holiday) that is still continuing.

    I'm in Paris. I've visited a museum but I haven't seen the Eiffel Tower.

c. to ask how long a situation has existed.

    How long have you been in Spain?

d. with for or since to say how long a situation has existed. We use for with a period of time and since to say when it started.

    We've been in Spain for a week / since Tuesday.

Cách làm cho bạn:

a. He’s passed his driving test!

b. The weather has been wonderful, and we’ve been to a lot of tourist attractions. I’ve visited the tomb of Khai Dinh and I’ve even gone boating on the Perfume River. I’ve bought you a souvenir. have you missed me?

c. No example in the text.

d. We’ve been in Hue for three days.

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