Danh mục bài soạn


Order the words to make sentences. Then match the sentences with the questions below.

WRITING (A biographical web page)

EX8: Order the words to make sentences. Then match the sentences with the questions below. (Sắp xếp các từ để tạo thành câu. Sau đó nối các câu với các câu hỏi bên dưới)


Cách làm cho bạn:

1. Enid Blyton was a British writer. => Câu hỏi A

2. She was born in England in 1897. => Câu hỏi C

3. She first started writing when she was sixteen. => Câu hỏi E

4. Enid Blyton eventually became the most famous writer of children's stories. => Câu hỏi B

5. People loved her work because her mysteries were so exciting. => Câu hỏi D


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