Danh mục bài soạn


Complete the sentences with the present continuous

B. Complete the sentences with the present continuous.

1. My brother ______________ (play) tennis with our cousin.

2. What movie ______________ (they/watch) on TV?

3. The students _____________ (take) a test in the classroom.

4. Mina and Ji-woo ____________ (jog) in their neighborhood.

5. What kind of music ___________ (you/listen) to?

6. Where _____________ (we/go) today?


Cách làm cho bạn:

1. My brother is playing tennis with our cousin.

2. What movie are they watching on TV?

3. The students are taking a test in the classroom.

4. Mina and Ji-woo are jogging in their neighborhood.

5. What kind of music are you listening to?

6. Where are we going today?

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