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Soạn tiếng Anh 9 mới - Looking back Unit 6: Vietnam: Then and now

Phần looking back giúp bạn học ôn tập lại từ vựng cũng như các kỹ năng đã học trong unit 6. Bài viết cung cấp những gợi ý để giải bài tập trong sách giáo khoa.


1. Complete the following word web with transport systems in Viet Nam then and now.

Hoàn thành mạng lưới từ sau đấy với hệ thống giao thông ở Việt Nam xưa và nay. 



earthen road, path, trench, brick road, tunnel, alley, tram system

concrete road, underpass, flyover, skytrain system, skywalk system, cable car, tunnel, alley

2. Fill in each blank with one word/phrase.

Điền chỗ trống từ /cụm từ 

  • 1. She lived in a(n) ____extended___ family, so she didn't have much privacy.
  • 2. We live in a ___nuclear___ family with only my parents and me.
  • 3. Our children didn't have good learning ___facilities___ like computers, CD players, or laboratories during the 1980s. 
  • 4. ___Rubber sandals___ used to be an image associated with our soldiers in the past.
  • 5. Classrooms made of mud and straw with ____trenches___ all around used to be common in Viet Nam during the war.

3. Read the passage and fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box.

Đọc đoạn văn và điền vào chỗ trống từ thích hợp trong bảng 

I used to go to a school for the gifted in Ho Chi Minh City. My house was far away, so I had to live with my relatives. It was an (1) ___extended___ family with ten people and a cousin of my age. My mother was worried because I came from a (2) _____nuclear_____  family-much smaller and less complicated. I was a very (3) __disobedient__ girl - the type of person who never does what they are told. I was even envious when my cousin got higher grades. Luckily, my relatives were actually very (4) ___sympathetic/understanding____ and (5)____ sympathetic/understanding _____ , and my cousin herself was a (6) ___tolerant___ girl. She didn't get too upset by my bad behaviour. Just as (7)______caring________ as her mother, she was ready to lend a hand in my study and to take care of me when I was ill. After three years with them, I also learnt that to get along with members in a big family, I should learn hovt to (8) ___share___

4. Complete the sentences with appropriate adjectives.

Hoàn thành câu với các tính từ thích hợp 

  • 1. It is ___important___ to value the improved living conditions we have today.
  • 2. She was ___certain____ the skytrain system would solve the traffic problems in the city.
  • 3. The government is ______sure_____ that our education system will be improved significantly by the year 2020.
  • 4. We are all____sure____ that pollution is getting more and more serious.
  • 5. We were ____sorry____ to have heard about the poor living conditions back then.
  • 6. I am ___convincing___ that the clanging sounds of the trams in Ha Noi will stay in our hearts forever.                                                                      

5. Correct the italised text where necessary.

Sửa phần được in nghiêng nếu cần thiết

We had finally finished the school year and Trang asked me to go to Da Nang by train with her. I thought that (1) it was dangerous to go by ourselves since we were just fifteen. But Trang (2) was confident that she take me there safely/ Moreover, our (3) parents were too busy to go with us, so they (4) were happy let us go. They even took us to Ha Noi Station and left us there with all the luggage and tickets. I (5) was still worried that we would get lost, but Trang (6) was pleased to be allowed to go on her own. We both(7) felt that it was more convenient to go by night train because we could sleep during the night. When we arrived, I (8) was astonished that the city be very different from what I saw five years earlier, and I was so relieved that we had arrived safe and sound as she promised.

  • (1)no change
  • (2) take —> could take
  • (3)no change
  • (4) let —> to let
  • (5) No change
  • (6) no change
  •  (7) no change
  • (8) be —> was 

6. Role-play. Interview a travel agent about Vietnamese people's holiday trends before and after 2000. Use the cues in the table for your interview. You may use the example to get you started.

Đóng kịch. Phỏng vấn 1 hãng du lịch về xu hướng nghỉ lễ của người Việt Nam trước và sau năm 2000. Sử dụng các gợi ý trong bảng. Có thể dùng ví dụ để bắt đầu phần trình diễn của mình. 

Ví dụ:

  • Interviewer: Have the Vietnamese changed the way they spend their holidays over the last 20 years? 
  • Travel agent: Considerably. For example, they've change: their holiday destinations.
  • Interviewer: So... where did they often go before 2000?
  • Travel agent: They often went to...


Phần trên, hocthoi.net đã soạn đầy đủ lý thuyết và bài tập của bài học: Soạn tiếng Anh 9 mới - Looking back Unit 6: Vietnam: Then and now . Bài học nằm trong chuyên mục: Soạn tiếng anh 9 mới - Tập 1. Phần trình bày do Hoàng Ngọc Quỳnh tổng hợp và thực hiện giải bài. Nếu có chỗ nào chưa rõ, có phần nào muốn hiểu rộng thêm, bạn đọc vui lòng comment bên dưới. Ban biên tập sẽ giải đáp giúp các bạn trong thời gian sớm nhất.

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