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Giải Tiếng anh 10 sách Global Success Review 2: Language

Hướng dẫn giải Review 2 sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 10 bộ sách Global Success. Đây là một trong những bộ sách mới được bộ Giáo dục và đào tạo phê duyệt nên ít nhiều học sinh còn bỡ ngỡ và gặp nhiều khó khăn trong quá trình học. Do đó, hãy để Hocthoi.net là công cụ đắc lực hỗ trợ các em, giúp các em thêm tự tin trong học tập.

Giải đáp câu hỏi và bài tập


Escape the maze by connecting all the words with stress on the FIRST syllable. Follow the example. Then listen to check your answers. Practise saying the words.

Escape the maze by connecting all the words with stress on the FIRST syllable. Follow the example. Then listen to check your answers. Practise saying the words


1. What are the missing letters? Complete the sentences using the pictures to help you. The first word is done for you.

1. Modern de____ have changed the way we commu_____

2. To help poor people, you can don____ money to a charity. You can also become a vo____ in your community.


2. Complete the sentences using these words. There are some extra ones.

useful useless interested
interesting careful careless

1. Many__________inventions in the world are the results of hard work and _________experiments.

2. Things such as old clothes or toys seem ________, but you can donate them to charity. Some poor people may be ______ in them.


Read the text and circle the correct answers.

Inventions and discoveries by accident!

The invention or discovery of something is not always the result of careful experiments. Sometimes, luck can help scientists (1) finding / find new things. Below are some famous examples.

Gravity: (2) Discover / Discovering the law of gravity is probably the most famous example. Isaac Newton (3) sat / was sitting under an apple tree when an apple (4) fell / was falling on his head. He realised that something made apples fall straight to the ground. That was gravity!

Penicillin: Alexander Fleming came back from his holiday. He (5) was cleaning / cleaned his laboratory when he (6) discovered / was discovering something at the window. That was penicillin! Since then, doctors (7) used / have used penicillin around the world to save millions of lives

Popsicles: In 1905, 11-year-old Frank Epperson decided (8) to make / making himself a soft drink. When he finished (9) make / making the drink, he left it outside with the wooden stick inside it. That night, the drink froze in cold weather and thanks to this 'accident', popsicles were later invented!

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Giải SGK Tiếng Anh 10 Global success Review 2, Giải Sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 10 Global success, Giải Review 2 Tiếng Anh 10 Global success
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